Fire Guard Protection Systems, Inc

Fire Guard Protection Systems, Inc
d/b/a Safety First Fire Equipment Company
"Let Fire Guard help you keep your business safe!"

Fire Guard Protection Services, Inc. and its subsidiary, Safety First Fire Equipment Company, transact business with many customers of goods and services. It is our intent that all of our employees involved in these transactions conduct themselves in a manner that reflects the high value we place on ethics. We would ask that you be aware of several of our related policies.
Our employees and their relatives should never solicit or accept anything of value from anyone in return for any business, service, or confidential information. Further we expect our employees to exhibit the following principles at all times.
Respect for others Treat people as you want to be treated.
Integrity and honesty Tell the truth and avoid any wrongdoing to the best of your ability.
Justice Make sure you’re objective and fair and don’t disadvantage others.
Lawfulness Know and follow the law – always.
Competence and accountability Work hard and be responsible for your work, both successes and mistakes.
While we believe that our employees do conduct themselves ethically and honestly, we ask that you report to us any behavior that you deem unethical or not in compliance with our policies. You may contact me at the phone number or email address above.
We appreciate doing business with you and your company and want to earn and maintain your respect and confidence in everything we do. Our desire is to hold our relationship with all customers on a level that is in keeping with the highest business principles.
Marshall A. Wilson,